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Becoming an Official

As Coach Tim puts it:  "If you want to help your children and our team please consider becoming an official. It is easy, fun and you get free food at the meets!"


Here are the steps needed in order to become an official:


1.      Attend a clinic for beginners or stroke/turn judges.


2.      Take an open book test.  This test can be found on the USA Swimming website.  It can be taken before or after the clinic.


3.      Shadow four sessions at upcoming swim meets.  One session is considered to be the AM or PM portion of most meets.


4.      If you have any additional questions, please contact a member of our Officials Committee:


Rachel Cabin  Officials Co-Chair                             Ann Pendley Officials Co-Chair                 Matty Matuszewski Meet Referee/Trainer

[email protected]                                              [email protected]                                  [email protected]



Additional Information is available on the Niagara Swimming Website.